is it possible to connect multiple sensor tags via Bluetooth low energy? In the app provided by TI, the sensor tag is the server, and app is client. So, it is possible for a single client to connect multiple servers?
YES, it is possible to connect from one application to multiple BLE devices
在另一边,在那一刻,Android的BLE堆栈(BlueDroid)似乎有同步性(可能是从4.2的设备,其中,这种行为被记录为这里discuseed Has原生Android BLE关贸总协定实现同步特性?)。
On the other side, at at the moment, Android BLE stack (BlueDroid) seems to have synchronous nature (may be it is inspired by Samsung stack from 4.2 devices , where this behaviour was documented as discuseed here Has native Android BLE GATT implementation synchronous nature?).
This mean, that if one operation is in progress, othes are ignored, so you have to implement e.g., queue of requests to be sure that just one characteristic read/write is in progress.
More over, Andorid BLE stack is at the moment quite unstable, as discussed in many threads, e.g, here Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable