=http://stackoverflow.com/a/30387708/2491049> Mac / OSX (homebrew)(感谢deizel)
- 安装php5-intl扩展 brew install php56-intl
- 如果您收到没有可用的公式php56-intl 按照这些
- Open /xampp/php/php.ini
- Change ;extension=php_intl.dll to extension=php_intl.dll (remove the semicolon)
- Copy all the /xamp/php/ic*.dll files to /xampp/apache/bin
- Restart apache in the Xampp control panel
Install the php5-intl extension sudo apt-get install php5-intl
1.1. Alternatively use sudo yum install php5-intl if you are on CentOS or Fedora.
Restart apache sudo service apache2 restart
- Install the php5-intl extension brew install php56-intl
- If you get No available formula for php56-intl follow these instructions.
- Restart apache sudo apachectl restart
重新启动apache sudo apachectl restart $ b
最后,您可以运行 composer install 以检查其是否正常工作。
Using the CakePHP docs, I am trying to install 3.0-beta2 using composer but I got this error:
However, I know for sure that intl is installed (it shows on phpinfo). I'm using PHP 5.4.33/Apache
Thanks in advance for any ideas you can provide.
I faced the same problem today.
Solution Xampp (Windows)
Solution Linux (thanks to Annamalai Somasundaram)
Solution Mac/OSX (homebrew) (thanks to deizel)
Eventually you can run composer install to check if it's working.
这篇关于CakePHP 3.0安装:系统中缺少intl扩展名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!