本文介绍了如何在 C++ 中覆盖 cout?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个需求,我需要使用printfcout 将数据显示到console 和file 中.对于 printf 我已经做到了,但是对于 cout 我很挣扎,怎么做?

I have a requirement, I need to use printf and cout to display the data into console and file as well.For printf I have done it but for cout I am struggling, how to do it?

   #ifdef _MSC_VER
     #define GWEN_FNULL "NUL"
     #define va_copy(d,s) ((d) = (s))
         #define GWEN_FNULL "/dev/null"
        #include <iostream>
        #include <fstream>

        using namespace std;
        void printf (FILE *  outfile, const char * format, ...)

            va_list ap1, ap2;
            int i = 5;
            va_start(ap1, format);
            va_copy(ap2, ap1);
            vprintf(format, ap1);
            vfprintf(outfile, format, ap2);
    /*    void COUT(const char* fmt, ...)
            ofstream out("output-file.txt");
            std::cout << "Cout to file";
            out << "Cout to file";
        int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

            FILE *outfile;
            char *mode = "a+";
            char outputFilename[] = "PRINT.log";
            outfile = fopen(outputFilename, mode);

            char bigfoot[] = "Hello

        int howbad = 10;

        printf(outfile, "

        /* then i realized that i can't send the arguments to fn:PRINTs */
        printf(outfile, "%s %i",bigfoot, howbad); /* error here! I can't send bigfoot and howbad*/

        return 0;

我已经在 COUT(大写,上面代码的注释部分)中完成了.但是我想使用普通的std::cout,那么我该如何覆盖它.它应该适用于 sting 和 variables 就像

I have done it in COUT(caps, the commented part for the code above) . But I want to use normal std::cout, so how can I override it. And it should work for both sting and variables like

int i = 5;
cout << "Hello world" << i <<endl;


Or are there anyway to capture stdout data, so that they can be easily written into file and console as well.


覆盖 std::cout 的行为是一个非常糟糕的主意,因为其他开发人员将很难理解使用std::cout 表现不正常.

Overriding the behaviour of std::cout is a really bad idea as other developers will have a hard time understanding that the use of std::cout doesn't behave as usual.


Make your intention clear with a simple class

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

class DualStream
   std::ofstream file_stream;
   bool valid_state;
      DualStream(const char* filename) // the ofstream needs a path
         file_stream(filename),  // open the file stream
         valid_state(file_stream) // set the state of the DualStream according to the state of the ofstream
      explicit operator bool() const
         return valid_state;
      template <typename T>
      DualStream& operator<<(T&& t) // provide a generic operator<<
         if ( !valid_state ) // if it previously was in a bad state, don't try anything
            return *this;
         if ( !(std::cout << t) ) // to console!
            valid_state = false;
            return *this;
         if ( !(file_stream << t) ) // to file!
            valid_state = false;
            return *this;
         return *this;
// let's test it:
int main()
   DualStream ds("testfile");
   if ( (ds << 1 << "
" << 2 << "
") )
      std::cerr << "all went fine
      std::cerr << "bad bad stream


This provides a clean interface and outputs the same for both the console and the file.You may want to add a flush method or open the file in append mode.

这篇关于如何在 C++ 中覆盖 cout?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-18 04:04