


 < div> 
< select id =test_selectstyle =display:none;>
< option value =1>平面设计师< / option>
< option value =2> Animator< / option>
< option value =7>播音员< /选项>
< option value =11>网站开发人员< / option>
< option value =12>判断< / option>
< / select>

< / div>


 < div class =custom-select> 
< span>选择选项< / span>
< ul>
< / ul>
< / div>




  < div id =dropdown> 
< span>选项一< / span>
< span>选项二< / span>
< span>选项三< / span>
< / div>



 < input type =hiddenname =dropdown-selection id =dropdown-selection/> 



 < script type =text / javascript> 
$('#dropdown-selection')。val($('#dropdown span:visible')。text());
< / script>



Ok, i have creted my own drop down box. I have a Div, and in the div i have a span. I need to grab that inner span text. How do i do that? The span's text does change. I am 15, so give me a break! I need some help! This is were the values are picket.

 <select id="test_select" style="display:none;">
        <option value="1">Graphic Designer</option>
        <option value="2">Animator</option>
        <option value="7">Announcer</option>
        <option value="11">Web Developer</option>
        <option value="12">Judge</option>


That is what needs to be gotten:

<div class="custom-select">
    <span>Select Option</span>

Ok, you're going to need more than just PHP to get this done; you'll need JavaScript as well.

Let's start with your HTML. I'm assuming your rendered output looks like the following and I won't question why you're doing it this way.

<div id="dropdown">
    <span>Option One</span>
    <span>Option Two</span>
    <span>Option Three</span>

So there's my guess at your HTML.

To post a value back to PHP, you're also going to need a way to capture the selected value in an input field that can be posted with a form. A hidden input will probably be the best option for you.

<input type="hidden" name="dropdown-selection" id="dropdown-selection" />

So that's our markup done. Next you'll need to grab the selected option from your div and stick it into the hidden field. I'm assuming you've coded something to render your div to look and behave exactly like a dropdown (ok, I'll bite. Why ARE you doing it this way?).

This is the JavaScript code using jQuery (we only use jQuery on StackOverflow. Just kidding; that's not true. Well, maybe it's a little bit true)

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $('#dropdown-selection').val($('#dropdown span:visible').text());

Now, as long as you've ensured that the hidden field is contained within a form that posts back to your target PHP page, you'll have the value of the span tag available to you.

I've made quite a few assumptions about how you've gone about setting up your page here. Correct me on any parts that don't tie into reality.


08-14 18:51