本文介绍了由Apache和80端口的工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 后来,我的工作由Apache和我没有任何问题,但安装SQL Server 2008后,阿帕奇不工作。我觉得这是对80端口的问题。Later, I worked by apache and I didn't any problem, but after install SQL Server 2008, apache don't work.I think there is problem on port 80.推荐答案我的SQL过程通常需要80端口但林不知道如何改变我的SQL使用的端口。你看到了什么,当你键入的http://本地主机/ 或 或在Web浏览器的计算机的本地IP?My SQL Processes usually take port 80 but im not sure how to change which port MY SQL uses.What do you see when you type http://localhost/ or or your computer's local ip in your web browser?要找到它的应用程序使用80端口去命令提示符,然后输入:To find which app is using Port 80 go on Command Prompt and type:netstat -aon向上滚动直到你看到像一些事情:Scroll up till you see some thing like:TCP LISTENING ####在写着的 #### 的一部分,会有一些!In the part that says ####, there will be a number!注意到,数量和打开任务管理器,进入I =上的服务和PID选项卡下查找该号码。在我的情况是2264,所以我会寻找2264当你找到它,它告诉你,但如果它不(像它说PID = 4),你可能有IIS上。所以去Take note of that number and open Task Manager and go i=on services and look for that number under the "PID" tab. In my case it was 2264, so I'd look for 2264. When you find it there it tells you, but if it doesn't (like it says PID=4), you might have IIS on. So go to 控制面板 >> 管理工具 >> 组件服务 >> 服务(本地)并找到的 Web部署代理服务的Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Component Services >> Services (Local) and find Web Deployment Agent Service停止该服务。此外,发现万维网发布服务并停止...Stop that service. Also, find World Wide Web Publishing Service and stop that... 这篇关于由Apache和80端口的工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!