


I was developing an angular app/site, and only now realized that whenever a model changes/digest is triggered, it causes the whole page to re-render, which seems wasteful and slow.


Is there a way to cause/limit digest to only affect the directive/controller it is used in.


e.g if i have a "clock" directive with $interval to count milliseconds on a page

$scope.page_stats = {"ms_on_page": 0};
$interval(function() {
    $scope.page_stats.ms_on_page+= 30;
}, 30);


and my app layout looked like this

    <clock-directive></clock-directive>//<--gets rendered every 30ms
    some other html
    // ^-- also gets rendered every 30ms

我将如何停止缓慢指令从更新自己,/它的每一个30毫秒的模板,并限制时钟间隔只消化到时钟指令,因为我知道它不会在页面的任何其他部分使用。 (这不是我的实际应用,只是一个样本来说明我的问题)

How would i stop the slow directive from updating itself/its template every 30ms , and limit the clock interval digest only to the clock directive since i know it wont be used in any other part of the page. ( this isn't my actual app, just a sample to illustrate my question)


角(通常)重新渲染上 $ rootScope一切。$摘要(),这是通过 $范围调用。$适用() $间隔,等等。

Angular will (usually) re-render everything on $rootScope.$digest(), which is called by $scope.$apply(), $interval, and so on.


However, there is an optimization strategy you can apply to only re-render the applicable portions (the high frequency updates).


First, separate your views into different scopes. For example, the counter that updates every 30 ms could be in its own controller, separating it from the scope with the heavy directive.

然后,使用非角区间(例如的setInterval())来更新你的价值,并调用 $范围。$摘要() 手动

Then, use a non-Angular interval (e.g. setInterval()) to update your value, and call $scope.$digest() manually.



app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $interval) {
  // this is our "heavy" calculation function
  // it displays a Unix timestamp, which should change
  // every second if the function is continously executed
  $scope.calc = function() {
    // get time in seconds
    return Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);

app.controller('ChildCtrl', function($scope, $interval) {
  $scope.counter = 0;

  // don't use $interval, it'll call $rootScope.$apply()
  // uncomment this and comment the setInterval() call
  // to see the problem
  //$interval(function() { $scope.counter++; }, 1000);

  setInterval(function() {

    // digest only our scope, without re-rendering everything
  }, 1000);


<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  <!-- pretend this is our calculation that occurs often -->
  <p ng-controller="ChildCtrl">Interval counter: {{ counter }}</p>

  <!-- pretend this is our heavy calculation that we don't want to occur often -->
  <p>Heavy calc: {{ calc() }}</p>

在这种情况下,pretend的钙()是沉重的指令。你会发现,它不是每次只计算一次,计数器的更新。但是,如果你使用 $间隔,它会更新每次计数器更新。

In this case, pretend that calc() is the heavy directive. You'll notice that it's only evaluated once, not every time the counter updates. However, if you use $interval, it'll update every time the counter updates.

请注意,您的必须的使用 $范围$摘要() - 。如果你使用 $范围$申请(),它会调用 $ rootScope。$摘要(),将更新的一切。

Note that you must use $scope.$digest() - if you use $scope.$apply(), it will call $rootScope.$digest(), which will update everything.



07-29 23:52