

我第一次使用Google App Script。
我在Google Doc电子表格中使用它。


  function test_hello(){


  function test_today(){
return today();

它使 #ERROR!无论我在哪里使用它。


虽然 today()直接在电子表格中使用。


一些电子表格功能对我来说非常有用(例如,我喜欢 weekday())。

一种非优雅的方式可能是创建列来计算我需要的中间值,并且可以使用电子表格函数进行计算。但我宁愿避免这种肮脏和麻烦的事情。 解决方案

Google Apps脚本是JavaScript的子集,目前不支持电子表格功能。
$ b $ pre $ function test_today() {
} //注意,这将最终返回一个毫秒值,你必须将单元格格式设置为'date'或'time'或者两者;-)

语法与表单函数相同: = test_today() code>

在javascript上有很多互联网资源,我发现其中一个最有用的是 w3school

I'm using Google App Script for the first time.I'm using it on a Google Doc spreadsheet.

I'm trying very simple functions, just to learn the basics. For example this works:

function test_hello() {
    return 'hello';

But I'm puzzled by this simple one :

function test_today() {
    return today();

It makes an #ERROR! wherever I use it.And when I put my cursor on it, it says :

error : ReferenceError: "today" is not defined.

While the today() function works when used directly in the spreadsheet.

Does this mean that in scripts, I cannot use spreadsheet built-in functions? Is there any elegant way around this?

Some spreadsheet functions are quite useful to me (I like weekday() for example).

A non-elegant way could be to create columns to calculate intermediate values that I need, and that can be calculated with spreadsheet functions. But I'd rather avoid something this dirty and cumbersome.


Google Apps Script is a subset of JavaScript, spreadsheet functions are currently not supported.For example, if you want to create a function that returns today's date you should write :

function test_today(){
return new Date()
}// note that this will  eventually return a value in milliseconds , you'll have to set the cell format to 'date' or 'time' or both ;-)

syntax is the same as with sheet functions : =test_today() see tutorial

There are many internet ressources on javascript, one of the most useful I found is w3school


09-23 16:38