


I want to encode the sample stuff shown below:

name = "Myname"
status = "married"
sex = "Male"
color = {'eyeColor' : 'brown', 'hairColor' : 'golden', 'skinColor' : 'white'}

我正在使用base64编码方案,并将语法用作< field-name> .encode('base64','严格的')其中字段名称由上述字段组成,名称,状态等。

I am using base64 encoding scheme and used syntax as <field-name>.encode('base64','strict') where field-name consists of above mentioned fields- name, status and so on.

我在 color.encode('base64','strict')中得到错误

Everything except dictionary "color" is getting encoded. I get error at color.encode('base64','strict')


Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'CaseInsensitiveDict' object has no attribute 'encode'

是否有替代 encode 方法适用于字典?

I think encode method is not appicable on dictionary. How shall I encode the complete dictionary at once? Is there any alternative to encode method which is applicable on dictionaries?


encode 是字符串实例具有的方法,而不是字典。您不能简单地将其与每个对象的每个实例一起使用。
所以最简单的解决方案是首先在字典上调用 str

encode is a method that string instances has, not dictionaries. You can't simply use it with every instance of every object.So the simplest solution would be to call str on the dictionary first:


当您想要解码字符串并将该字典恢复时,这不太直接。 Python有一个模块来做到这一点,它被称为。 Pickle可以帮助您获取任何对象的字符串表示,然后可以将其编码为base64。解码之后,您也可以取消打包以取回原始实例。

However, this is less straight forward when you'd want to decode your string and get that dictionary back. Python has a module to do that, it's called pickle. Pickle can help you get a string representation of any object, which you can then encode to base64. After you decode it back, you can also unpickle it to get back the original instance.

b64_color = pickle.dumps(color).encode('base64', 'strict')
color = pickle.loads(b64_color.decode('base64', 'strict'))

其他pickle + base64的替代方法可能是 。

Other alternatives to pickle + base64 might be json.


09-25 13:36