为什么我需要将 *.so 文件同时放在 armeabi-v7a 和 armeabi 文件夹中?
为什么 armeabi-v7a 与其他模块的 armeabi 冲突?
为什么使用 armeabi-v7a 代码而不是 armeabi 代码?
但我还不清楚.我有很多 armeabi 和 armeabi-v7a 的 .so 文件.
But I am not clear yet. I have many .so files for armeabi and armeabi-v7a.
// Application.mk file
APP_ABI := armeabi
APP_PLATFORM := android-19
APP_STL := gnustl_shared
//Android.mk 文件
// Android.mk file
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := module1
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/armeabi/libarmeabi-v7a-module1.so
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := module2
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/armeabi/libarmeabi-v7a-module2.so
此设置在 armeabi-v7a 设备上运行良好.但是当我在 Application.mk 文件中设置 armeabi-v7a abi 时,我的应用程序崩溃了.崩溃消息如下:
This settings work fine on armeabi-v7a devices.But my app crashes when I set armeabi-v7a abi in Application.mk file. Crash message is below:
armeabi 是 armv5.它不再受支持.你可以假装它不存在.
armeabi is armv5. It's no longer supported. You can just pretend it doesn't exist.
armeabi-v7a 是 armv7.这(至少与 arm64-v8a 一起)是您应该构建的内容.
armeabi-v7a is armv7. This (along with at least arm64-v8a) is what you should be building for.
The fact that your app is crashing is a different problem, and the error message tells you what's happening: there's a pure virtual function that's being called. Some child class isn't implementing a virtual function that it needs to implement.
还有第三个问题.您的 APP_STL
是 gnustl_shared
,但错误消息表明您的库之一是用 libc++ 构建的.这两者是不相容的.您必须为整个应用程序使用相同的 STL(并且由于您使用了多个共享库,因此它必须是共享变体).
There's also a third problem. Your APP_STL
is gnustl_shared
, but the error message indicates that one of your libraries was built with libc++. These two are incompatible. You must use the same STL for the entire app (and since you use more than one shared library, it must be the shared variant).
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