本文介绍了没有端口的本地名称解析-MAMP Pro的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这已经困扰了我一段时间,在MAMP Pro中,我使用本地名称解析"设置了一些站点,但是它们仅适用于端口号.我注意到许多人都可以在没有任何端口号的情况下使它们工作.

This has been bothering me for a while, within MAMP Pro, I've got a few sites setup with "Local Name Resolution", however they only work with a port number.I've noticed many people are able to get them to work without any port numbers.

例如来自CSS-Tricks的Chris Coyier可以直接在 v10.whatup 上工作,而我自己只能在 v10.whatup : 8888 上工作. em>

E.g Chris Coyier from CSS-Tricks can work directly on v10.whatup, where as my own would only work on v10.whatup:8888


TL:DR.test.dev:8888 works,but not test.dev/


Am I missing something/What's the problem?

如果我将MAMP Pro端口设置设置为使用80/443& 3306(Apache/SSL& MySQL),在URL后没有端口的情况下似乎可以正常工作.尽管MAMP端口设置为:8888/8890&首次安装时,默认值为8889.

If I set MAMP Pro port settings to use 80/443 & 3306 (Apache/SSL & MySQL), it seems to work without a port after URL. Although the MAMP Ports setting of: 8888/8890 & 8889 are the default when you first install.


Is the 80/443 setting okay to use, even though it's not default?


似乎将端口更改为80/443& 3306(Apache/SSL& MySQL)而不是MAMP默认值:8888/8890& 8889将允许使用本地名称解析,而域名后没有任何端口.

It seems that changing the ports to 80/443 & 3306 (Apache/SSL & MySQL) instead of the MAMP defaults: 8888/8890 & 8889 will allow use of local name resolution without any port after domain.

这篇关于没有端口的本地名称解析-MAMP Pro的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-18 12:55