

我不知道如何执行此操作,而且我没有在线上找到有关如何执行此操作的好资源[.]我正在尝试采用带注释的EBNF生产规则,该规则是两个正则表达式之间的区别并把它变成一个(na | f?)lex语法规范规则[.]问题是我看不到通常能做到这一点的方法[.] {3},有一种方法可以像克莱恩代数一样使用克莱恩代数来做到这一点.您可以在上下文无关的语法中使用带交替符的空匹配[?]

I don't know how to do this, and I've found no good resources online for how to perform this operation[.] I'm trying to take an annotated EBNF production rule which is a difference between two regular expressions and turn it into a(n a| f?)lex grammar specification rule[.] The problem is that I see no way to do this normally[.]{3} is there a way to do this using Kleene algebra, like the way you can use an empty match with alternation in a context-free grammar[?]



What does the EBNF production rule look like (and can you write that in EBNF?)


The set difference A\B between regular expressions is equivalent to intersection with a complement: A&~B: the set of strings matched by A, devoid of any strings matched by B. Neither flex nor alex support such semantics in their regular expression languages.


An expression of this form still denotes a regular language, and therefore has an equivalent automaton, for which a regular expression exists based only on the alternation and Kleene operators. This equivalent expression not easy to find, and it depends on the specific internals of A and B. That is to say, we can't just plug A and B into some general regex formula such that the result denotes the set difference. The original A and B will not appear in the set difference regex.


09-05 09:43