



< html>< body> < div id =comp1style =display:none; role =regiontabindex = - 1aria-expanded =false> < div>这是组件1< / div> < button type =buttononclick =ShowComponent(comp2)>显示2< / button> < / DIV> < div id =comp2style =display:none; role =regiontabindex = - 1aria-expanded =false> < div>这是组件2< / div> < button type =buttononclick =ShowComponent(comp1)>显示1< / button> < / DIV> < script type =text / javascript>函数HideAll(){//隐藏这两个组件var comp1 = document.getElementById(comp1); comp1.style.display =none; comp1.setAttribute(aria-expanded,false); var comp2 = document.getElementById(comp2); comp2.style.display =none; comp2.setAttribute(aria-expanded,false); }函数ShowComponent(comp){HideAll(); //显示此组件comp.style.display =block; comp.setAttribute(aria-expanded,true); comp.focus(); } ShowComponent(的document.getElementById( COMP1)); < / script>< / html>


单击组件2中的按钮将隐藏组件2并显示组件1 。



有一些你需要知道让它工作。如果您希望在更改后立即宣布它们,则无论用户在做什么,它都会是 assertive 。如果您希望它等到用户完成交互,那么它将是 polite 。还有,我将在下面展示。

我不认为在你的代码中你需要其他的ARIA位,也不需要 tabindex ,但是我没有知道页面的范围。这是一个不同的例子:

 < div role =alertaria-live =assertive> 
< / div>

< div role =statusaria-live =polite>
< / div>





I would like to create an accessible web page which contains a number of components that can be hidden and shown as the user interacts with the page. When a component is shown I expect a screen reader (in this case NVDA) to read the contents of the component.

As an example:

	<div id="comp1" style="display:none;" role="region" tabindex="-1" aria-expanded="false">
		<div>This is component 1</div>	
		<button type="button" onclick="ShowComponent(comp2)">Show 2</button>	
	<div id="comp2" style="display:none;" role="region" tabindex="-1" aria-expanded="false">
		<div>This is component 2</div>
		<button type="button" onclick="ShowComponent(comp1)">Show 1</button>

	<script type="text/javascript">
		function HideAll() {		
			// hide both components
			var comp1 = document.getElementById("comp1");
			comp1.style.display = "none";
			comp1.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
			var comp2 = document.getElementById("comp2");
			comp2.style.display = "none";
			comp2.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
		function ShowComponent(comp) {
			// show this component
			comp.style.display = "block";
			comp.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");

In the above example clicking a button within component 1 will hide component 1 and show component 2.

Clicking a button within component 2 will hide component 2 and show component 1.

However NVDA does not seem to read the contents of the components when toggling between the components. Is there a way that this can be achieved?

Please see this Gist on GitHub to check using NVDA


Stuff those two blocks into an ARIA live region.

There are some live region properties you need to know to make it work. If you want them to be announced as soon as they change, no matter what the user is doing, then it will be assertive. If you want it to wait until the user finishes an interaction, then it will be polite. There are corresponding live region roles as well, which I show below.

I do not think you need the other ARIA bits nor tabindex in your example code, but I do not know the scope of the page. Here is a different example instead:

<div role="alert" aria-live="assertive">
Anything in here will be announced as soon as it changes.

<div role="status" aria-live="polite">
Anything in here will be announced when it changes but only after the user has stopped interacting with the page..

Further, the aria-atomic property will tell the screen reader whether it should announce the entire thing (which is good for an alert message) or just the parts that changed (which might be a better fit for a timer).

Avoid having more than one ARIA live region on a page.

This will also address screen readers besides NVDA.

Here is an example of an offline alert. Here is a handy slideshare that goes into more detail. There is a lot more out there now that you know what to search.


09-24 13:29