


I have encountered the following question and can't be sure on the answer. Do you have any suggestions, any help would be much appreciated.

斐波那契数列F(n)由F(1)= 1,F(2)= 1和Fn = F(n-2)+ F定义(n-1)对于所有整数n> =3。设计一个计数器电路以输出前七个斐波那契数(即F1至F7)所需的最少D个触发器(连同组合逻辑)是多少?然后环绕?

The Fibonacci sequence F(n) is defined by F(1)=1, F(2)=1, and Fn=F(n-2) + F(n-1) for all integers n>= 3. What is the minimal number of D flip-flops required (along with combinational logic) to design a counter circuit that outputs the first seven Fibonacci numbers (i.e., F1 through F7 ) and then wraps around?


(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7




The minimum number of flipflops required would be only 3 for getting seven different outputs. But then it involves a lot of combinatorial circuitary for decoding the seven unique outputs into the required fibonacci sequence.One of those decoding circuit is using four 4:1 mux where, each mux output represents one bit of the fibonacci sequence.


But using 4 flipflops we can get a synchronous counter which goes through only these states 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 and wraping around. I think that this process involves a bit less circuitary.Here care should be taken only to differentiate the occurence of 1 twice, which, can be done through the use of an extra nand gate.


08-22 18:54