

我正在Android上构建2 Player游戏.游戏是按顺序进行的,因此玩家1等待直到玩家2进行输入,反之亦然.我有一个网络服务器,其中使用 Slim 框架运行API.在客户端上,我使用翻新.因此,我想在客户端上每隔X秒轮询一次我的Web服务器(我知道这不是最好的方法),以检查是否有玩家2的输入,如果是,请更改UI(游戏板).

I'm building a 2 Player game on Android. The game works turnwise, so player 1 waits until player 2 made his input and vice versa. I have a webserver where I run an API with the Slim Framework. On the clients I use Retrofit. So on the clients I would like to poll my webserver (I know it's not the best approach) every X seconds to check whether there was an input from player 2 or not, if yes change UI (the gameboard).

应对改造我遇到了RxJava.我的问题是弄清楚是否需要使用RxJava?如果是,是否有任何非常简单的示例来进行改造轮询? (因为我只发送了一对键/值对),如果不是,那么该如何进行改型呢?

Dealing with Retrofit I came across RxJava. My problem is to figure out whether I need to use RxJava or not? If yes, are there any really simple examples for polling with retrofit? (Since I send only a couple of key/value pairs) And if not how to do it with retrofit instead?

我发现了线程在这里,但是它对我也没有帮助,因为我仍然不知道我是否完全需要Retrofit + RxJava,有没有更简单的方法?

I found this thread here but it didn't help me too because I still don't know if I need Retrofit + RxJava at all, are there maybe easier ways?



Let's say the interface you defined for Retrofit contains a method like this:

public Observable<GameState> loadGameState(@Query("id") String gameId);


Retrofit methods can be defined in one of three ways:


1.) a simple synchronous one:

public GameState loadGameState(@Query("id") String gameId);


2.) one that take a Callback for asynchronous handling:

public void loadGameState(@Query("id") String gameId, Callback<GameState> callback);

3.)和返回rxjava Observable的代码,请参见上文.我认为,如果您打算将Retrofit与rxjava结合使用,则使用此版本最有意义.

3.) and the one that returns an rxjava Observable, see above. I think if you are going to use Retrofit in conjunction with rxjava it makes the most sense to use this version.


That way you could just use the Observable for a single request directly like this:

.subscribe(new Subscriber<GameState>() {

    public void onNext(GameState gameState) {
        // use the current game state here

    // onError and onCompleted are also here


If you want to repeatedly poll the server using you can provide the "pulse" using versions of timer() or interval():

Observable.timer(0, 2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<GameState>() {

    public void onNext(GameState gameState) {
        // use the current game state here

    // onError and onCompleted are also here


It is important to note that I am using flatMap here instead of map - that's because the return value of loadGameState(mGameId) is itself an Observable.


But the version you are using in your update should work too:

Observable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.map(tick -> Api.ReceiveGameTurn())
.doOnError(err -> Log.e("Polling", "Error retrieving messages" + err))


That is, if ReceiveGameTurn() is defined synchronously like my 1.) above, you would use map instead of flatMap.


In both cases the onNext of your Subscriber would be called every two seconds with the latest game state from the server. You can process them one after another of limit the emission to a single item by inserting take(1) before subscribe().


However, regarding the first version: A single network error would be first delivered to onError and then the Observable would stop emitting any more items, rendering your Subscriber useless and without input (remember, onError can only be called once). To work around this you could use any of the onError* methods of rxjava to "redirect" the failure to onNext.


Observable.timer(0, 2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMap(new Func1<Long, Observable<GameState>>(){

    public Observable<GameState> call(Long tick) {
        return mApiService.loadGameState(mGameId)
        .doOnError(err -> Log.e("Polling", "Error retrieving messages" + err))
        .onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable<GameState>(){
            public Observable<GameState> call(Throwable throwable) {
                return Observable.emtpy());
.filter(/* check if it is a valid new game state */)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<GameState>() {

    public void onNext(GameState gameState) {
        // use the current game state here

    // onError and onCompleted are also here


This will every two seconds:* use Retrofit to get the current game state from the server* filter out invalid ones* take the first valid one* and the unsubscribe

如果发生错误:*它将在doOnNext中打印一条错误消息*并忽略该错误:onErrorResumeNext将消耗" onError-事件(即,不会调用您的SubscriberonError)并将其替换为任何内容(Observable.empty()).

In case of an error:* it will print an error message in doOnNext* and otherwise ignore the error: onErrorResumeNext will "consume" the onError-Event (i.e. your Subscriber's onError will not be called) and replaces it with nothing (Observable.empty()).


And, regarding the second version: In case of a network error retry would resubscribe to the interval immediately - and since interval emits the first Integer immediately upon subscription the next request would be sent immediately, too - and not after 3 seconds as you probably want...


Final note: Also, if your game state is quite large, you could also first just poll the server to ask whether a new state is available and only in case of a positive answer reload the new game state.


If you need more elaborate examples, please ask.


UPDATE: I've rewritten parts of this post and added more information in between.

更新2 :我添加了使用onErrorResumeNext进行错误处理的完整示例.

UPDATE 2: I've added a full example of error handling with onErrorResumeNext.
