我在下面添加了代码.生日字段显示在我的帐户页面和 WP 管理员用户页面中,但问题是日期没有保存.
I have added the code below. The birthday field is showing in my account page and also in WP admin user page as well but the problem is that the date is not saving.
function iconic_get_account_fields() {
return apply_filters( 'iconic_account_fields', array(
'user_url' => array(
'type' => 'date',
'label' => __( 'My Birth Date', 'iconic' ),
'placeholder' => __( 'Date of Birth', 'iconic' ),
'required' => true,
) );
* Add fields to registration form and account area.
function iconic_print_user_frontend_fields() {
$fields = iconic_get_account_fields();
foreach ( $fields as $key => $field_args ) {
woocommerce_form_field( $key, $field_args );
add_action( 'woocommerce_edit_account_form', 'iconic_print_user_frontend_fields', 10 ); // my account
* Add fields to admin area.
function iconic_print_user_admin_fields() {
$fields = iconic_get_account_fields();
<h2><?php _e( 'Additional Information', 'iconic' ); ?></h2>
<table class="form-table" id="iconic-additional-information">
<?php foreach ( $fields as $key => $field_args ) { ?>
<label for="<?php echo $key; ?>"><?php echo $field_args['label']; ?></label>
<?php $field_args['label'] = false; ?>
<?php woocommerce_form_field( $key, $field_args ); ?>
<?php } ?>
add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'iconic_print_user_admin_fields', 30 ); // admin: edit profile
add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'iconic_print_user_admin_fields', 30 ); // admin: edit other users
I use the code partly from:
The following code will add (and save) a custom birthday field to
- 我的帐户 - 编辑帐户
- 管理员用户页面 - 个人资料
// Add field - my account
function action_woocommerce_edit_account_form() {
woocommerce_form_field( 'birthday_field', array(
'type' => 'date',
'label' => __( 'My Birth Date', 'woocommerce' ),
'placeholder' => __( 'Date of Birth', 'woocommerce' ),
'required' => true,
), get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'birthday_field', true ));
add_action( 'woocommerce_edit_account_form', 'action_woocommerce_edit_account_form' );
// Validate - my account
function action_woocommerce_save_account_details_errors( $args ){
if ( isset($_POST['birthday_field']) && empty($_POST['birthday_field']) ) {
$args->add( 'error', __( 'Please provide a birth date', 'woocommerce' ) );
add_action( 'woocommerce_save_account_details_errors','action_woocommerce_save_account_details_errors', 10, 1 );
// Save - my account
function action_woocommerce_save_account_details( $user_id ) {
if( isset($_POST['birthday_field']) && ! empty($_POST['birthday_field']) ) {
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'birthday_field', sanitize_text_field($_POST['birthday_field']) );
add_action( 'woocommerce_save_account_details', 'action_woocommerce_save_account_details', 10, 1 );
// Add field - admin
function add_user_birtday_field( $user ) {
<h3><?php _e('Birthday','woocommerce' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
<th><label for="birthday_field"><?php _e( 'Date of Birth', 'woocommerce' ); ?></label></th>
<td><input type="date" name="birthday_field" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( 'birthday_field', $user->ID )); ?>" class="regular-text" /></td>
<br />
add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'add_user_birtday_field', 10, 1 );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'add_user_birtday_field', 10, 1 );
// Save field - admin
function save_user_birtday_field( $user_id ) {
if( ! empty($_POST['birthday_field']) ) {
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'birthday_field', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['birthday_field'] ) );
add_action( 'personal_options_update', 'save_user_birtday_field', 10, 1 );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', 'save_user_birtday_field', 10, 1 );