我正在尝试在 Python 2.7.11 下在 Windows 7(64 位)上运行适用于 Anaconda 2.3.0(64 位)的 Jupyter Notebook.Jupyter 没有显示语法高亮显示,并且笔记本没有连接到内核,但不清楚原因.我在 Chrome 上运行.
I'm trying to run Jupyter Notebook for Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit) on Windows 7 (64-bit), under Python 2.7.11. Jupyter is not displaying syntax highlighting and the notebook isn't connected to the kernel, but it's not clear why. I'm running on Chrome.
小NotebookApp(来自 Windows CMD 或来自 Anaconda 命令行)给出zmq 消息到达封闭通道"消息.我不清楚这是否相关.
Small NotebookApp (from Windows CMD or from Anaconda command line) gives a "zmq message arrived on closed channel" message. I'm not clear if that's relevant.
更大的根据下面的评论,我设置了 c.NotebookApp.port = 8889
Bigger Based on comments below, I set c.NotebookApp.port = 8889
看起来标准端口 8888 不可用/被阻止.试试:
Looks like the standard port 8888 is not available/blocked. Try:
jupyter notebook --port=8889
你我可以为端口尝试不同的号码,例如 8890
You my try a different number for the port such as 8890
, 8891
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