


We all know that premature optimization is the root of all evil because it leads to unreadable/unmaintainable code. Even worse is pessimization, when someone implements an "optimization" because they think it will be faster, but it ends up being slower, as well as being buggy, unmaintainable, etc. What is the most ridiculous example of this that you've seen?


在一个旧项目中,我们继承了一些(其他方面都很优秀)嵌入式系统程序员,他们拥有丰富的 Z-8000 经验.

On an old project we inherited some (otherwise excellent) embedded systems programmers who had massive Z-8000 experience.

我们的新环境是 32 位 Sparc Solaris.

Our new environment was 32-bit Sparc Solaris.


One of the guys went and changed all ints to shorts to speed up our code, since grabbing 16 bits from RAM was quicker than grabbing 32 bits.

我必须编写一个演示程序来证明在 32 位系统上获取 32 位值比获取 16 位值更快,并解释要获取 16 位值 CPU 必须生成一个 32-位宽内存访问,然后屏蔽或移位 16 位值不需要的位.

I had to write a demo program to show that grabbing 32-bit values on a 32-bit system was faster than grabbing 16-bit values, and explain that to grab a 16-bit value the CPU had to make a 32-bit wide memory access and then mask out or shift the bits not needed for the 16-bit value.


10-24 07:20