在我的Caffe 'train.prototxt'
In my Caffe 'train.prototxt'
I'm doing some input data transformation, like this:
transform_param {
mirror: true
crop_size: 321
mean_value: 104 # Red ?
mean_value: 116 # Blue ?
mean_value: 122 # Green ?
Now I want to store a modified version of my input images such that certain image regions are set to those mean values. The rational is that those regions are then set to 0 during mean subtraction. However I don't know what the order of channels is that caffe expects in such a prototxt file and I couldn't look it up in the caffe code either.
Does someone now whether the 3 values given above are in RGB or BGR order?
(I'm not sure since caffe is using opencv internally which stores images in the unusual BGR format)
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/caffe-users/9opH6AW3Irw (由Evan Shelhamer回答):
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/caffe-users/9opH6AW3Irw (answer by Evan Shelhamer):