



In our app we use the GSON.JAR lib. And now we have updated the Millennial media to version 5. With thie new version of MMEDIA they only give the JAR package and in their package they also use the GSON lib. So it now conflicts with our lib.

Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializer;

可能的解决办法是,如果我们删除我们的GSON LIB所以它只能使用Millennial Media等的GSON库。

Possible solution would be if we deleted our GSON lib so it would only use the Millennial Media's GSON lib.

有另一种解决方案,因为我们真的不希望删除我们GSON LIB文件和千禧媒体GSON lib目录dependend因为没有什么,告诉他们可能已经改变了那里。

Is there another solution, because we really do not want to delete our GSON lib file and be dependend on the Millennial Medias GSON lib as there is no telling what they could have changed there.


千年实际上是解决这个的SDK 5.0.1版本(这是由于下周挂起一些额外的质量保证)通过重命名内部GSON库。千年SDK使用GSON版本2.2.2修改。您可以使用GSON的MMSDK.jar内,或在绝对必要的,unjaring千年的JAR和删除COM /谷歌/ GSON /目录下,并重新JARING它。

Millennial is actually fixing this for the SDK 5.0.1 release (which is due out next week pending some additional quality assurance) by renaming the internal GSON library. The Millennial SDK uses GSON version 2.2.2 unmodified. You can either use the GSON within the MMSDK.jar or, if absolutely necessary, unjaring Millennial's JAR and removing the "com/google/gson/" directory and re-jaring it.


As usual, you can also talk to Millennial directly at: https://tools.mmedia.com/user/supportDevPortal


07-17 06:12