


<input type="text" value="123" id="txtbox">
var myVar = document.getElementById('txtbox').value;

if (myVar.substring) {
} else{


No matter what value you put in the textbox, it will always alert string. Is there a way that if you put a number in the textbox it will alert number instead of string? Thank you.


on 输入元素始终一个字符串。它可能是一串数字。

value on input elements is always a string. It might be a string of digits.

如果你想知道该字符串是否只包含有效数字,你必须解析它(并决定你认为什么是有效数字) ,并且允许那样)。

If you want to know whether that string only contains valid numbers, you have to parse it (and decide what you consider a valid number, and allow for that).

例如,你会让人们告诉你使用 parseInt(myVar)或一元 + + myVar )或 isNaN(myVar)(其中一元 + 的确如此)或数字(myVar)(相同),

For instance, you'll get people telling you to use parseInt(myVar) or the unary + (+myVar) or isNaN(myVar) (which does what the unary + does) or Number(myVar) (same), but:

  1. parseInt 仅解析开头的字符串 parseInt(345foo) 345

  1. parseInt only parses the beginning of the string, parseInt("345foo") is 345

parseInt 当然只适用于整数;对于小数部分的数字你想要 parseFloat

parseInt is, of course, only for whole numbers; you'd want parseFloat for numbers with fractional portions


All of those will fail to understand thousands separators


All of those will fail to understand a decimal separator that isn't . (e.g., in many locales it's , or sometimes even a space)

+ myVar Number(myVar) isNaN(myVar)等会将空字符串视为 0

+myVar and Number(myVar) and isNaN(myVar) and such will treat an empty string as 0


...that kind of thing. So you have to do some prep on the string according to what input you want to accept.


Once you've decide what format(s) to handle, there are a dozen questions with answers here about doing the actual parsing:

  • (注意整数-specific)

  • How do I Convert a String into an Integer in JavaScript? (note that's integer-specific)
  • What's the fastest way to convert String to Number in JavaScript?


10-19 14:04