

我在C ++中运行单元测试时出现内存泄漏。


I am getting a memory leak while running unit test in C++.
You can see definition of the function, and the map used by this function which casuses unit test memory leak;

const char* myMap [] =
     "INPUT1"        ,           "OUTPUT1",
     "INPUT2"        ,           "OUTPUT2",
     "INPUT3"        ,           "OUTPUT3",
     "INPUT4"        ,           "OUTPUT4",
     "INPUT5"        ,           "OUTPUT5",
     "INPUT6"        ,           "OUTPUT6",
     "INPUT7"        ,           "OUTPUT7",
     "INPUT8"        ,           "OUTPUT8",
     "INPUT9"        ,           "OUTPUT9",
     "INPUT10"       ,           "OUTPUT10",

const std::string Class::translateInput( const std::string& tag )
 static bool initialized = false;
 static map<std::string, std::string> m;
 if (!initialized)
  initialized = true;
  unsigned long i = 0;
  static const std::string s = "THE_END";

  while( s != myMap[i])
    std::string key = myMap[i];
    printf("\n 1. key is set to %s \n", myMap[i] );
    printf("\n m[ key ] is set to %s \n", myMap[i+1] );
    m[ key ] = myMap[i+1];



2. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(std: :string :: _ Rep :: _ S_create(unsigned int,unsigned int,std :: allocator< char> const&))[0x455f7d4]

3. / usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / libstdc ++。so.6(std :: string :: _ M_mutate(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int))[0x455fab4]

4. / usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / libstdc ++。 so.6(std :: string :: _ M_replace_safe(unsigned int,unsigned int,char const *,unsigned int))[0x455fc42]

5. / usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / libstdc ++。so.6(std :: string :: assign(char const *,unsigned int))[0x455fcf9]

6. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so。 6(std :: string :: operator =(char const *))[0x455ff06]

7. MyClass :: translateInput(std :: string const&))[0x43025c8]


m [key] = myMap [i + 1];







Here is the output of valgrind :

Block size: 29, Address: 0x5f40f44, Back Trace:
2. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(std::string::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned int, unsigned int, std::allocator<char> const&)) [0x455f7d4]
3. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(std::string::_M_mutate(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)) [0x455fab4]
4. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(std::string::_M_replace_safe(unsigned int, unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int)) [0x455fc42]
5. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(std::string::assign(char const*, unsigned int)) [0x455fcf9]
6. /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(std::string::operator=(char const*)) [0x455ff06]
7. MyClass::translateInput(std::string const&)) [0x43025c8]

And it indicates the line where string assignment is made as the following ;

m[ key ] = myMap[i+1];

I've put traces before, and after this line. And there is no error while making assignment after initialization. After the unit test is teared down, it gives the above output.

I have no idea about the cause of memory leak. As you can also see, there is no pointer, or memory initialization in the function. And When I put the correct output of this function( translateInput ) manually ( by commenting out the call of function ), there is no leak. Whenever I use this function, I get the memory leak I mentioned above.

P.S: All members and functions of this class, MyClass, is static.

Could you please help about the possible reasons which cause memory leak in this state ?
Thanks in advance,


while( s != myMap[i])

#include <stdio.h>

static char *leaks;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    leaks = strdup("leaked data");
    return 0;

如果它被分配一次 - 就像一个单身人士 - 并且在应用程序的生命周期中是需要的,那就没有真正需要回收它。操作系统将为您回收内存。


If it is allocated once - like a singleton - and is needed for the life of the application, there's no real need to reclaim it. The OS will reclaim the memory for you.

If you are concerned by the clutter caused in your heap reporting tool, you can add code to free these at program exit:

#include <stdio.h>

static char *leaks;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    leaks = strdup("leaked data");
    return 0;

作为旁注,请避免在不需要时使用哨兵值。 countof运算符将告诉您数组中有多少项。示例:

As a side note, avoid using sentinel values when they aren't necessary. The countof operator will tell you how many items are in an array. Example:

const char* myMap [] =
     "INPUT1"        ,           "OUTPUT1",
     "INPUT2"        ,           "OUTPUT2",
     "INPUT3"        ,           "OUTPUT3",
     "INPUT4"        ,           "OUTPUT4",
     "INPUT5"        ,           "OUTPUT5",
     "INPUT6"        ,           "OUTPUT6",
     "INPUT7"        ,           "OUTPUT7",
     "INPUT8"        ,           "OUTPUT8",
     "INPUT9"        ,           "OUTPUT9",
     "INPUT10"       ,           "OUTPUT10"
     // omit this: "THE_END"

for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(myMap); i++)
    const char *map = myMap[i];
    // ...


If your compiler does not have a countof (or _countof) macro defined, use this:

#define countof(arg) ((sizeof arg) / (sizeof arg[0]))


08-14 16:16