这是C++ Primer 5th Edition的练习:
练习 13.53:由于低级效率问题,HasPtr赋值运算符并不理想.解释为什么.实施一个HasPtr 的复制赋值和移动赋值运算符并进行比较在新的移动赋值运算符中执行的操作与复制和交换版本.(P.544)
//! a class holding a std::string*
class HasPtr
friend void swap(HasPtr&, HasPtr&);
friend bool operator <(const HasPtr& lhs, const HasPtr& rhs);
//! default constructor.
HasPtr(const std::string &s = std::string()):
ps(new std::string(s)), i(0)
{ }
//! copy constructor.
HasPtr(const HasPtr& hp) :
ps(new std::string(*hp.ps)), i(hp.i)
{ }
//! move constructor.
HasPtr(HasPtr&& hp) noexcept :
ps(hp.ps), i(hp.i)
{ hp.ps = nullptr; }
//! assignment operator
operator = (HasPtr rhs);
//! destructor.
delete ps;
std::string *ps;
int i;
//! specific swap.
inline void
swap(HasPtr &lhs, HasPtr &rhs)
using std::swap;
swap(lhs.ps, rhs.ps); // swap the pointers, not the string data
swap(lhs.i, rhs.i); // swap the int members
std::cout <<"swapping!
//! operator = using specific swap
HasPtr::operator = (HasPtr rhs)
return *this;
My question is why it is not efficient to do so?
Set up a performance test which exercises the move assignment operator.
Set up another performance test which exercises the copy assignment operator.
第 2 步
Set up the assignment operator both ways as instructed in the problem statement.
步骤 3
重复第 1 步和第 2 步,直到您确信自己的操作正确为止.
Iterate on Steps 1 and 2 until you have confidence that you did them correctly.
第 3 步应该帮助您了解正在发生的事情,最有可能的方法是告诉您性能在哪些方面发生了变化以及哪些方面没有发生变化.
Step 3 should help educate you as to what is going on, most likely by telling you where the performance is changing and where it is not changing.
猜测不是步骤 1-3 的选项.你实际上必须这样做.否则,您将(理所当然地)对自己的猜测是正确的没有信心.
Guessing is not an option for Steps 1-3. You actually have to do them. Otherwise you will (rightly) have no confidence that your guesses are correct.
步骤 4
Now you can start guessing. Some people will call this "forming a hypothesis." Fancy way of saying "guessing." But at least now it is educated guessing.
我在回答这个问题的同时完成了这个练习,并注意到在一项测试中没有显着的性能差异,而在另一项测试中则有 6 倍的性能差异.这进一步使我产生了一个假设.完成这项工作后,如果您不确定自己的假设,请使用您的代码、结果和后续问题更新您的问题.
I ran through this exercise while answering this question and noted no significant performance difference on one test, and a 6X performance difference on the other. This further led me to an hypothesis. After you do this work, if you are unsure of your hypothesis, update your question with your code, results, and subsequent questions.
There are two special member assignment operators which typically have the signatures:
HasPtr& operator=(const HasPtr& rhs); // copy assignment operator
HasPtr& operator=(HasPtr&& rhs); // move assignment operator
It is possible to implement both move assignment and copy assignment with a single assignment operator with what is called the copy/swap idiom:
HasPtr& operator=(HasPtr rhs);
This single assignment operator can not be overloaded with the first set.
使用复制/交换习语是实现两个赋值运算符(复制和移动)还是只实现一个更好?这就是练习 13.53 的要求.要回答,您必须同时尝试两种方法,并测量复制分配和移动分配.聪明的、善意的人们会通过猜测而不是测试/测量来理解这一点.你选择了一个很好的练习来学习.
Is it better to implement two assignment operators (copy and move), or just one, using the copy/swap idiom? This is what Exercise 13.53 is asking. To answer, you must try both ways, and measure both copy assignment and move assignment. And smart, well meaning people get this wrong by guessing, instead of testing/measuring. You have picked a good exercise to study.