本文介绍了从< head>传递var到< body>的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


< html>

< head>

< script>

function doIt( ){

var list = document.forms [0] .product;

var selItem = list.options [list.selectedIndex] .value;


< / head>

< body>

< script>

document.writeln(''< div id ="''+ selItem +''">''); // var不是

^^^^^ ^^^ //在这里阅读..


< / script>

< / body>


在sel obj中选择..谢谢..

function doIt() {
var list = document.forms[0].product;
var selItem = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
document.writeln(''<div id="'' + selItem + ''">'');// var not being
^^^^^^^^ // read here..
// how do I pass it from function to here?

this is for dynamic content.. what prints depens on what item user
selects in sel obj.. thank you..




< div>中的文本。

if the content is dynamic you will need to create a function that creates
the text and an event to trigger it. for example the onChange event of your
select could call a function call writeDynamicContent() which then spits out
the text in the <div>.

选择的onChange事件可以调用函数调用writeDynamicContent()然后吐出< div>中的文本。

if the content is dynamic you will need to create a function that creates
the text and an event to trigger it. for example the onChange event of your
select could call a function call writeDynamicContent() which then spits out
the text in the <div>.

是的,我正在调用doIt()(编写动态内容的函数)和/ b
onChange sel obj中的事件处理程序..但仍然内容不打印

我想把它变成b / c var是不是从函数传递到我想要打印内容的地方......你如何从


yes, I''m calling doIt() (function that writes dynamic content) with
onChange Event handler in sel obj.. but still content doesn''t print
where I want it to b/c var isn''t being passed from function to where I
want content to print... how DO you pass a variable from inside a
function to outside it? thank you very much for yr help...

list = document.forms [0] .product; //现在" list"是全球性的。



list = document.forms[0].product; // Now "list" is global.



这篇关于从&lt; head&gt;传递var到&lt; body&gt;的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 01:26