I have a mongoose model that has an association with a user model e.g.
var exampleSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
<some more fields>
userId: { type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }
var Example = mongoose.model('Example', userSchema)
When I instantiate a new model I do:
// the user json object is populated by some middleware
var model = new Example({ name: 'example', .... , userId: req.user._id });
The model's constructor takes a lot of parameters which has become tedious to write and refactor when the schema changes. Is there way of doing something like:
var model = new Example(req.body, { userId: req.user._id });
或者是创建辅助方法以生成 JSON 对象甚至将 userId 附加到请求正文的最佳方法?或者有没有我没想到的方法?
Or is the best way to create a helper method to generate a JSON object or even attach the userId to the request body? Or is there way that I haven't even thought of?
_ = require("underscore")
var model = new Example(_.extend({ userId: req.user._id }, req.body))
或者如果您想将 userId 复制到 req.body 中:
or if you want to copy userId into req.body:
var model = new Example(_.extend(req.body, { userId: req.user._id }))