我正在使用用于Tensorflow的Python API .我试图在不使用Python循环的情况下实现下面给出的 Rosenbrock函数:
I am using the Python API for Tensorflow. I am trying to implement the Rosenbrock function given below without the use of a Python loop:
def rosenbrock(data_tensor):
columns = tf.unstack(data_tensor)
summation = 0
for i in range(1, len(columns) - 1):
first_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(columns[i + 1], tf.square(columns[i])))
second_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(columns[i], 1.0))
summation += tf.add(tf.multiply(100.0, first_term), second_term)
return summation
我尝试在 tf.while_loop()
中实现求和;但是,当使用索引整数来保持与数据的分离时,我发现API有点不直观. 文档中给出的示例使用数据作为索引(反之亦然) ):
I have tried implementing the summation in a tf.while_loop()
; however, I found the API somewhat unintuitive when it comes to using an index integer that is meant to remain separate from the data. The example given in the documentation uses the data as the index (or vice-versa):
i = tf.constant(0)
c = lambda i: tf.less(i, 10)
b = lambda i: tf.add(i, 1)
r = tf.while_loop(c, b, [i])
This can be achieved using the tf.while_loop()
and standard tuples as per the second example in the documentation.
def rosenbrock(data_tensor):
columns = tf.unstack(data_tensor)
# Track both the loop index and summation in a tuple in the form (index, summation)
index_summation = (tf.constant(1), tf.constant(0.0))
# The loop condition, note the loop condition is 'i < n-1'
def condition(index, summation):
return tf.less(index, tf.subtract(tf.shape(columns)[0], 1))
# The loop body, this will return a result tuple in the same form (index, summation)
def body(index, summation):
x_i = tf.gather(columns, index)
x_ip1 = tf.gather(columns, tf.add(index, 1))
first_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(x_ip1, tf.square(x_i)))
second_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(x_i, 1.0))
summand = tf.add(tf.multiply(100.0, first_term), second_term)
return tf.add(index, 1), tf.add(summation, summand)
# We do not care about the index value here, return only the summation
return tf.while_loop(condition, body, index_summation)[1]
It is important to note that the index increment should occur in the body of the loop similar to a standard while loop. In the solution given, it is the first item in the tuple returned by the body()
Additionally, the loop condition function must allot a parameter for the summation although it is not used in this particular example.