I've started using OpenCV with a fair amount of success with a view to detecting different body parts (hands, arms, face, e.t.c).
The first and most obvious approach to achieve this is using Haar or LBP cascade classifiers, but I would like to know what other options are out there.
I've seen examples of skin detection using HSV images and detecting pixels within a color range. But this does not help determine which bit is which! I've also implemented an MOG2 background subtraction which can help isolate a moving object but this would only work if the desired object is the ONLY one moving.
Using convex hull and defects I've outlined hands and arms but cannot distinguish between the two. Is there a standard way of doing this or is the only reliable way using cascade classifiers?
他们被认为是最先进的国家,直到深度学习上来。 (2012年左右,我认为)
You can try HoG descriptors which where developed in 2006.They work very well for faces and pedestrians. They work not that good for single body parts (still better than haar features).They were considered as state of the art until deep learning came up. (around 2012 I think)
The system described in this paper won several competetions when it was presented.
See also this for a lot of usefull information about computer vision in general.