

我正在尝试使用VirtualBox和HHVM选项设置 Homestead .我的主机是Mac OS,并且未在Homestead.yaml中启用nfs选项.但是,一旦我添加一个Hack文件并运行hh_client,hh_server就会死亡,因为它拒绝在NFS上

I'm trying to set up Homestead with VirtualBox and the HHVM option.My host is Mac OS, and I'm not enabling the nfs option in Homestead.yaml.However, as soon as I add a Hack file and run hh_client, hh_server dies because it refuses to run on NFS


I understand the rational of not supporting NFS but I'm wondering why is NFS actually involved here, and what could be done to workaround this?


VirtualBox共享文件夹实际上是网络文件夹,引起与NFS相同的问题. 此答案以及我对此的评论解释了为什么hh_server(以及Hack代码)在NFS上不起作用-内核没有提供正确的inotify事件来更新其内部状态.

VirtualBox shared folders are effectively a network folder, causing the same problems as NFS. This answer, and my comments on it, explain why hh_server (and thus Hack code) doesn't work on NFS -- the kernel doesn't provide the right inotify events to update its internal state.


10-13 18:09