

首先提及此问题,然后再此贴切名称的修改似乎与此相关,并已使hh_server拒绝在NFS文件系统上运行.我对文件系统不是很熟悉,并且以前从未接触过OCaml,因此在尝试完成问题标题时,我尝试编辑了我所知道的内容:/etc/hh.conf/etc/hhvm/{php, server}.ini,通过纯粹的猜测工作添加了hhvm.[server.]enable_on_nfs = true.没有骰子.

It seems prudent to first mention this issue and then this aptly-named edit which seems related and has made hh_server refuse to run on NFS file systems. I am not very familar with file systems and have never touched OCaml before, so in trying to accomplish the question title, I have tried editing what I know: /etc/hh.conf and /etc/hhvm/{php, server}.ini, adding hhvm.[server.]enable_on_nfs = true by pure guesswork. No dice.

据我所知,更改是由于hh_server守护进程无法通过infify在NFS驱动器上将更改注册到文件而进行的,这是完全可以理解的.但是,对于让我熟悉Hack(即仅运行typechecker)的人来说,我的VirtualBox纯粹是一个测试服务器,并且我之前已经在sshfs安装的(osxfuse)驱动器上成功运行了hh_client.我还有一个我不知道的问题,这使它成为一个坏主意吗?如果没有,如何启用hh_server --check在我的VBox NFS共享文件夹上运行?

As I understand it from the issue, the change stems from the hh_server daemon being unable to register changes to the files via inotify on NFS drives, which is totally understandable. However, my VirtualBox is purely a test server for me familiarizing myself with Hack (i.e. only running the typechecker), and I've successfully run hh_client on sshfs-mounted (osxfuse) drives before. Is there another problem I'm not aware of that makes this a bad idea? If not, how might I enable hh_server --check to run on my VBox NFS shared folder?



The main issue is the lack of inotify support for NFS, so hh_server may respond with stale data.

如果您承担风险,则可以将enable_on_nfs = true添加到/etc/hh.conf,这将使hh_server可以检查NFS上的文件夹.

If you accept the risk, you can add enable_on_nfs = true to /etc/hh.conf, which will enable hh_server to check folders on NFS.


09-15 21:17