我在Bluemix / IBM Containers中使用docker-compose部署和链接3个容器时遇到问题。我正在使用的撰写文件已经工作并且可以继续工作,但是非常不一致。如果失败,我将收到以下响应:
I'm having an issue deploying and linking 3 containers using docker-compose in Bluemix / IBM Containers. The compose file I am using has worked and continues to work but it is very inconsistent. When it fails, I get the following response:
Recreating xxxxx_1
Recreating yyyyy_1
Creating zzzzz_1
ERROR: for server 'message'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "docker-compose", line 3, in <module>
File "compose/cli/main.py", line 64, in main
File "compose/cli/main.py", line 116, in perform_command
File "compose/cli/main.py", line 876, in up
File "compose/project.py", line 416, in up
File "compose/parallel.py", line 66, in parallel_execute
KeyError: 'message'
Failed to execute script docker-compose
Docker compose不会公开非常好的错误消息(基本上,当发生意外情况时,您会得到类似的奇怪堆栈跟踪)。我的猜测是时间到了-compose的默认超时预期是本地docker(也许是在非常快的计算机上),因此,如果启动得不是非常快,它有时会变得不满意。
Docker compose does not expose very good error messages (basically, when something happens it's not expecting, you get a weird stacktrace like that). My guess is that it's timing - the default timeouts on compose are expecting local docker (perhaps on very fast computers), so if things don't start very very fast, it sometimes becomes unhappy.
In the Bluemix cloud, the containers have SDN and other setup that can take a bit longer than on local docker, so that "starting very very fast" is not always within what compose expects.
尝试先执行 export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT = 300
Try doing export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=300
first to bump the timeouts, that should help matters.