

docker-compose 2.1提供了一个不错的功能,可以使用 depends_on 来指定条件。当前的docker-compose文档指出:

docker-compose 2.1 offers the nice feature to specify a condition with depends_on. The current docker-compose documentation states:


Unfortunately the documentation does not explain, why the condition form was removed and is lacking any specific recommondation on how to implement that behaviour using V3 upwards.


与在compose中指定容器依赖项有所不同。它们仅在启动时有效,而在运行时重新启动从属容器时无效。而是,每个容器都应包括在断开连接后重试重新连接到相关服务的机制。许多用于连接数据库或REST API服务的库都具有可配置的内置重试。我会调查一下。无论如何,生产代码都需要它。

There's been a move away from specifying container dependencies in compose. They're only valid at startup time and don't work when dependent containers are restarted at run time. Instead, each container should include mechanism to retry to reconnect to dependent services when the connection is dropped. Many libraries to connect to databases or REST API services have configurable built-in retries. I'd look into that. It is needed for production code anyway.


10-18 19:04