我是 LibGdx 的新手,输入处理有问题.
I'm new to LibGdx, and have problem with input handling.
My player needs to shoot bullets whenever touch is down.But it seems that this method is called just once...
And then user have to click again to shoot another bullet.
I want always to shoot bullets while click is down...
Is there a way to handle this use case?
I've succeeded to work this out, without pooling concept.
我有自定义 InputProccesor,int 我使用过类似的逻辑,如 P.T.提及.我 touchDown 我启动了发射子弹的线程并进行一些计算,因为我从 Renderer 类中访问了一些我必须使用的方法
I have custom InputProccesor, int I've used similar logic like P.T. mentioned.I touchDown I start thread that shoots bullets and do some calculation, because I access to some methods from Renderer class I've to use
Gdx.app.postRunnable(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// process the result, e.g. add it to an Array<Result> field of the ApplicationListener.
shootBullet(screenX, screenY);
为了避免 OpenGL 上下文异常.
To avoid OpenGL context exception.
In touchUp method I cancel shooting thread.
Tnx 的想法!
这篇关于libgdx touchDown 只调用一次的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!