

我正在使用多种测试设备进行开发-Nexus 5和Nexus S.

I'm using multiple test devices for development - Nexus 5 and Nexus S.

Nexus 5没有任何问题,但S one似乎有问题.

Didn't have any problem with the Nexus 5, but the S one seems to be having a problem.

protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);

            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

            Button button = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.myButton);
            button.Click += delegate

此代码在Nexus S上中断,该设备发现按钮为空.因此,我假设它无法正确或快速地生成我的布局.

This code breaks on the Nexus S, which finds the button to be null. Thus I'm assuming it's not generating my layout properly or quickly enough.


I have tried adding a simple null check, but the application appears to be completely ignoring it and using the old assembly. Thus it looks like on an older device the assemblies are not auto-replaced when you're deploying.


Has anyone experienced this? What would be the fix?

Nexus S的API级别为API 16

The API level of the Nexus S is API 16

通过Visual Studio启动它,取消选中部署"配置设置,因此我认为这是不刷新的原因. Xamarin中是否有某个设置可以在某个时候自动将其重置?

Launched it via Visual Studio, "Deploy" configuration setting was ticked off, so I assume that was the cause of it not refreshing. Is there a setting in Xamarin that automatically resets it at some point?



Try uninstalling the application manually from the device and debugging/deploying it again.


07-29 20:18