如何以 MB/s 为单位检查用户的上传和下载速度?
How is it possible to check a users upload and download speed in MB/s ?
To time a download you could do something like this in your action:
def download
start_time = Time.now
file_size = File.size('never_gonna_give_you_up.mp3') / 1024.0 / 1024.0
logger.info("Download took #{Time.now - start_time}s at #{file_size / (Time.now - start_time)} MB/s")
为了计时用户上传,您将无法检查用户在 Ruby 或 Rails 中严格上传内容所花费的时间,因为在用户完成上传之前不会处理请求.您可以做的是在提交表单时让 javascript 填充一个字段(例如 upload_start_time),然后在操作开始时减去时间,如下所示:
For timing a user upload you wouldn't be able to check how long it took the user to upload something strictly in Ruby or Rails since the request is not processed until the user is finished uploading. What you could do is have javascript populate a field (e.g. upload_start_time) when the form is submitted and then subtract the time at the beginning of the action like this:
def upload
upload_time = Time.parse(params[:upload_start_time]) - Time.now
file_size = params[:file].size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 # assuming 'file' is the name of the field
logger.info("Upload took #{upload_time} at #{file_size / upload_time} MB/s")
This won't be precise but it should give you a good approximation.
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