我对 Scrapy 还很陌生,所以请耐心等待.
I am fairly new to Scrapy, so please bear with me for a moment.
I want to scrape this page for the following information
- 项目首字母缩略词(PROTECTRAIL)
- 项目简短说明(铁路行业铁路运输综合安全合作伙伴关系)
- 项目详细描述(面临加强[...]建筑物和基础设施保护的问题)
使用 Google Scraper 我已经检查了这些元素并在 html 页面中确定了它们的 Xpath
Using Google Scraper I have inpected these elements and determined their Xpath in the html page
- 缩写:
- 简短说明:
- 详细说明:
然后我在 SHELL 下测试了以下 Xpath 查询
I have then tested the following Xpath queries under SHELL
- 缩写:
- 简短说明:
- 长描述:
但是对于这些不同的 Xpath 查询,shell 没有产生任何结果 [],而它们似乎编写正确(没有语法错误)并且足够准确.
But shell yields no result [] for these different Xpath queries, while they seem to be properly written (no syntax error) and accurate enough.
如何使用正确的 Xpath 找到正确的选择器以获取这些信息?
How can I find out the proper selector with the proper Xpath so as to fetch those information?
查看firebug net选项卡,按XHR请求过滤,看来你要的数据在后面的AJAX调用中:
looking at firebug net tab, filter by XHR request, it seem that the data you are after is in a latter AJAX call to:
$ scrapy shell "http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.csa&action=read&xslt-template=projects/xsl/projectdet_en.xslt&rcn=95607"
>>> sel.xpath("//div[@class='projttl']/h1/text()").extract()
另外,最好让自己熟悉 xpath 语法,而不是使用那些自动 xpath 工具
also, better make yourself familiar with xpath syntax rather than using those auto xpath tools
这篇关于在 shell 下找不到正确的 xpath的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!