I am writing my first objective-c daemon type process that works in the background. Everything it does needs to be logged properly.
I am fairly new to Apple stuff so I am not sure, what is the most common and/or best way to log activity? Does everyone simply log to a text file in their own special format, or use some sort of system call?
您应该查看 Apple系统记录器. ASL会写入系统日志数据库(可以轻松地从Console.app或您自己的应用程序中查询日志),还可以写入一个或多个平面文件(如果您选择的话).彼得·霍西(Peter Hosey)对ASL的简介是我所知道的最好的. ASL是一种C级API,但是如果您愿意,可以将它包装在Objective-C中相对容易.我还建议您还看看 Google Mac版工具箱.在许多其他功能中,它包含GTMLogger
You should look at the Apple System Logger. ASL writes to the system log database (making it easy to query the log from Console.app or from within your own app) and additionally to one or more flat files (if you choose). Peter Hosey's introduction to the ASL is the best I'm aware of. ASL is a C-level API, but it's relatively easy to wrap in Objective-C if you'd like. I would recommend also taking a look at Google's Toolbox for Mac. Among many other goodies, it contains a GTMLogger
facility that includes ASL support. I've ditched my home-grown ASL wrapper in favor of the GTMLogger