


The AVX512CD instruction families are: VPCONFLICT, VPLZCNT and VPBROADCASTM.



What are some examples that show these instruction being useful in vectorizing loops? It would be helpful if answers will include scalar loops and their vectorized counterparts.




One example where the CD instructions might be useful is histogramming. For scalar code histogramming is just a simple loop like this:

load bin index
load bin count at index
increment bin count
store updated bin count at index


Normally you can't vectorize histogramming because you might have the same bin index more than once in a vector - you might naïvely try something like this:

load vector of N bin indices
perform gathered load using N bin indices to get N bin counts
increment N bin counts
store N updated bin counts using scattered store


but if any of the indices within a vector are the same then you get a conflict, and the resulting bin update will be incorrect.


load vector of N bin indices
use CD instruction to test for duplicate indices
set mask for all unique indices
while mask not empty
    perform masked gathered load using <N bin indices to get <N bin counts
    increment <N bin counts
    store <N updated bin counts using masked scattered store
    remove non-masked indices and update mask

在实践中,该示例效率很低,并且不比标量代码好,但是还有其他一些计算量更大的示例,其中使用CD指令似乎是值得的.通常,这些将是模拟,其中数据元素将以不确定的方式进行更新.一个示例(来自 LAMMPS分子动力学模拟器)在杰弗斯(Jeffers)等人 的KNL图书.

In practice this example is quite inefficient and no better than scalar code, but there are other more compute-intensive examples where using the CD instructions seems to be worthwhile. Typically these will be simulations where the data elements are going to be updated in a non-deterministic fashion. One example (from the LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator) is referred to in the KNL book by Jeffers et al.


08-29 14:48