

我正在使用Datatables 1.10.7.我有一个用Datatables初始化的表,如下所示:

I'm using Datatables 1.10.7. I have a table initialized with Datatables like so:

var user_table = $("#user_table").DataTable({


I've written code that triggers a series of events when someone clicks a row in that table like this:

$("#user_table tbody").on('click', 'tr', function () {
    // Series of actions here


<tr data-user-id="4287">
    <td>Jane Smith</td>
    <td>Senior VP</td>
<tr data-user-id="2442">
    <td>John Doe</td>
    <td>HR Manager</td>

在页面加载时,我要在与data-user-id匹配动态生成的用户ID列表的行上触发click事件.出于这个问题,我如何在data-user-id为4287的行上触发click事件?请记住,由于有数据表分页,因此该行可能不存在于DOM中-仅存在于Datatables变量中-因此,我需要一个利用Datatables API的解决方案.

On page load, I want to trigger the click event on rows with the data-user-id matching a list of dynamically generated user-id's. For the sake of this question, how would I trigger the click event on the row with a data-user-id of 4287? Keep in mind, because of Datatables pagination, the row may not exist in the DOM - only in the Datatables variables - so I need a solution that utilizes the Datatables API.



$("#user_table tbody").on('click', 'tr[data-user-id="4287"]', function () {
    // Series of actions here
}).click(); // trigger the click


10-30 01:21