本文介绍了Akka:actor 当前邮箱大小或等待处理的消息数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





class SomeActor 扩展 Actor {覆盖定义接收 = {case ScanExisting =>{val queueSize = context.system.mailboxes... size ??}

这种方法在 Akka 1.x 中存在,但在 Akka 2.0 中被移除.Roland Kuhn 写了一篇详细的博文(来源于此讨论在 Akka 用户列表上)解释了这一决定背后的理由.以下摘录概述了查询参与者邮箱大小的一些问题:

  • 从并发队列中获得一些大小的答案需要 O(n) 时间,即当你最痛苦的时候查询会很痛苦(如果持久邮箱在错误的时刻")

  • 答案不正确,即它不需要在处理此请求的开始或结束时匹配实际大小

  • 使其更正确"涉及记账,这严重限制了可扩展性

  • 即便如此,当您在代码中收到它时,这个数字可能已经完全改变了(例如,您的线程被安排了 100 毫秒,而在此期间您收到了 100.000 条新消息).


如果你不能没有,可以很容易地编写你自己的邮箱实现,构建在 akka.dispatch 包中的特征并将簿记代码插入到 enqueue() 和 dequeue() 中.然后,您可以使用向下转换(邪恶)或在 akka.actor.Extension(推荐)中跟踪您的邮箱,以从您的演员内部访问统计信息并执行任何必要的操作.



如果您希望演员邮箱大小用于监控目的,请查看 Lightbend 遥测Kamon.此外,Patrik Nordwall 写了一个 gist 记录超过配置限制时的邮箱大小.>

I am trying to find out number of pending queue items which awaiting to be processed by the actor.

I am sure there must be a method to which you can refer to from actor context or from context.system.mailboxes etc

Here is code example:

class SomeActor extends Actor {
  override def receive = {

    case ScanExisting => {
      val queueSize = context.system.mailboxes... size ??

Such a method existed in Akka 1.x but was removed in Akka 2.0. Roland Kuhn wrote a detailed blog post (derived from this discussion on the Akka User List) explaining the rationale behind this decision. Here is an excerpt that outlines some problems with querying an actor's mailbox size:

Read the entire post, then reconsider your reason for obtaining the actor's mailbox size. If you still want it:

If you want the actor mailbox size for monitoring purposes, look into Lightbend Telemetry or Kamon. Also, Patrik Nordwall wrote a gist that logs the mailbox size when it exceeds a configured limit.

这篇关于Akka:actor 当前邮箱大小或等待处理的消息数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-21 07:21