我使用 kogrid 其中我认为 使用 默认复选框和检查/取消选中 值 列表 绑定到它。 还 我选中/取消选中此复选框时,它应适当更新 selectedItems属性。我检查了cellTemplate。但我无法 识别 使用它。
< pre lang = HTML>
< div style = height:650px; width:99%;数据 - bind = koGrid:{data:allList,displaySelectionCheckbox:true,multiSelect:true,selectWithCheckboxOnly:true,selectedItems:selectedList,
afterSelectionChange:function(rowItem){return true;},
columnDefs:[{field:'Name',displayName:'Name ',width:'20%',headerTemplate:'koHeader'},
{field:'Country',displayName:'Country',width:'20%',headerTemplate:'koHeader'} ,
{field:'Profession',displayName:'Profession',width :'20%',headerTemplate:'koHeader'},
{field:'IsToBeChecked',d isplayName:'Selection',width:'30%',headerClass:'koHeader'},
< / div>
I am using kogrid where i thought of using the default checkbox and check/uncheck it based on a value from the list that is being bound to it. And also when i check/uncheck this checkbox, it should update the selectedItems property appropriately. I checked cellTemplate. But I am unable to identify how to use it. <pre lang="HTML"> <div style="height: 650px; width: 99%;" data-bind="koGrid: { data: allList,displaySelectionCheckbox: true, multiSelect :true, selectWithCheckboxOnly: true, selectedItems: selectedList , footerVisible : false, disableTextSelection: false, afterSelectionChange: function (rowItem) { return true; }, columnDefs: [{ field: 'Name', displayName: 'Name', width: '20%' ,headerTemplate: 'koHeader' }, { field: 'Country', displayName: 'Country', width: '20%' ,headerTemplate: 'koHeader' }, { field: 'DOB', displayName: 'DOB', width: '20%' ,headerTemplate: 'koHeader' }, { field: 'Profession', displayName: 'Profession', width: '20%' ,headerTemplate: 'koHeader' }, {field: 'IsToBeChecked', displayName: 'Selection', width: '30%', headerClass: 'koHeader'}, ] }"> </div>
From the above html code, IsToBeChecked is the column based on which the 'displaySelectionCheckbox' should be checked or unchecked.
Could some one suggest me how check/uncheck the default checkbox based on a value?