我想在定点phi中得到元素的约束,下面例子中,约束应该是c2=5.0 应该如何在Z3中实现呢?或者有什么办法可以不使用Z3中的定点
I wish to get the constraint of the element in the fixedpoint p in the following example, the constraint should be c2<=c1+5.0, c1>=5.0 it should be how to realize it in Z3? Or is there any way to do it not using fixedpoint in Z3
(set-option :produce-models true)
(set-option :dl_engine 1)
(set-option :dl_pdr_use_farkas true)
(declare-var c1 Real)
(declare-var c2 Real)
(declare-var lambda Real)
(declare-rel phi(Real Real))
(>= lambda 0.0)
(phi c1 c2)
(phi (+ c1 lambda) (+ c2 lambda))
(>= c1 5.0)
(<= c2 10.0)
(phi c1 c2)
(query (phi c1 c2))
Z3 不尝试计算最小定点.它试图建立可达性(可推导性)或建立一个后定点意味着查询不可到达(可推导).所以它没有提供从一组规则中获得最小不动点的方法.
Z3 does not attempt to compute a least fixed-point. It attempts to establish reachability (derivability) or establish a post fixed-point that entails that a query is not reachable (derivable). So it does not provide a way to obtain a least fixed-point from a set of rules.
(query (phi c1 c2) :print-certificate true)
Z3 将打印与满足查询的最小不动点成员对应的内容.
Z3 will print what corresponds to a member of the least fixed-point which satisfies the query.