我正在使用 Z3 及其 Python 模块为 Python 构建一个符号执行引擎.
I'm building a symbolic execution engine for Python using Z3 with it's Python module.
我需要对字符串进行推理,但当前 Python API
I need to reason about strings, but it doesn't appear to be supported in the current API for Python
I found it can be done somehow: https://github.com/cs-au-dk/Artemis/tree/master/contrib/Z3-str
我怎样才能让 Z3 使用它的 Python API 来推理字符串?(也许会延长它?)
How can I get Z3 to reason about strings using it's python API? (maybe extend it?)
If not possible, though I may try to implement it as arrays of ints (where each int represents a char in the string) and write some helpers to reason about them. Would that work?
我在 python3 中使用 4.3.2 版本.
I'm using the 4.3.2 version with python3.
你找到的链接是Z3-str,Z3上的一个理论插件.Z3-str 是使用旧版本 Z3 的外部理论插件 API(用于 C)实现的.这些插件 API 在 Z3 4.3.2 中已弃用.
The link you found is Z3-str, which is a theory plug-in on Z3. Z3-str was implemented using the External Theory Plugins API (for C) of an old version of Z3. These plugin APIs are deprecated in Z3 4.3.2.