


To increase font-size in Xcode is a pain.


更新! -看到Xcode 9进行救援!现在,您可以使用cmd +通过Xcode 9增加字体.苹果花了5个主要发行版才让您获得它!但是迟到总比不到好.

Update! - Behold Xcode 9 to the rescue!Now you can use cmd + to increase the fonts with Xcode 9.It took 5 Major releases for you to get it, Apple! But better late than never.


figured it out - however it was not very intuitive.


  1. 当您尝试直接使用edit-> format-> font更改字体大小时,什么也没有发生! -不好的用户体验...而且,当您告诉用户他们使用的是默认主题或系统拥有的"主题并且无法更改主题时,为什么还要打哑巴呢? -错误的设计和更糟糕的UX ...为什么要保留此选项(Cmd t),如果您不希望用户更改此字体,这是在大多数性能良好的Mac应用程序中增加字体大小的最标准方法.方式?

  1. When You try to change the font size directly using edit -> format -> font, nothing happens! - Not a good UX ... moreover why play dumb when you can tell user that they are using default or "System-owned" theme and they cannot change it? - Bad Design and more bad UX ... Why keep this option (Cmd t) alive, which by the way is most standard way to increase font size across most well behaved mac apps, if you do not want user to change the font this way?


In Xcode preferences, when you try to change the font size by clicking on "fonts and colors", thats when XCode gives a pop-up saying what needs to be done. Also making a duplicate and then changing the fonts and colors is a lot of work rather than giving a button that says "Restore to Defaults" if Apple is so worried about the user messing up the default settings!


The solution is that - you need to duplicate the theme and then modify the copy you just made and apply that copy - phew!


09-05 06:42