

我有一个Func<ProductItemVendor, bool>存储在CompareProductItemVendorIds中.我想在LINQ查询中使用该表达式.

I have a Func<ProductItemVendor, bool> stored in CompareProductItemVendorIds. I would like to use that expression in a LINQ query.


var results =


However, the following is not legal:

var results = from v in Repository.Query<ProductItemVendor>()
              where CompareProductItemVendorIds(v)
              select v;



  1. 为什么这些陈述如此不同,以致我的Func<>在其中一项中是合法的,但在另一项中却不是合法的?我以为他们基本上都做同样的事情.

  1. Why are these statements so different that my Func<> is legal in one but not the other? I thought they both basically did the same thing.


How can I make this work? Do I have to explicity create my Func<> as an Expression<Func<>> instead?

请在>使用Expression< Func<>中查看我的相关问题.在LINQ查询中.


Expression<Func<T,bool>>Func<T,bool>之间存在很大差异.第一个是表达式树.您可以将其视为代码描述. Linq to Entities需要表达式树.因为它需要建立SQL查询.因此,需要代码描述才能将相同的动作转换为SQL.

There is big difference between Expression<Func<T,bool>> and Func<T,bool>. First one is an expression tree. You can think of it as description of code. Linq to Entities requires expression trees. Because it needs to build SQL query. So it needs description of code to translate same actions into SQL.


Second one, Func<T,bool> is a simple method with specified signature. Nothing special here. Why its legal here:



It's simple. There are two Where extension methods. One fore IQueryable<T>, which expects expression tree (which will be translated into SQL query). And another is extension for IEnumerable<T> which expects ordinal method for in-memory collection filtering (usual C# code). Thus you don't have expression tree, latter one is chosen. No SQL generated here. This is your case.


from v in Repository.Query<ProductItemVendor>()
where CompareProductItemVendorIds(v)
select v


Actually it's not same query. It's equivalent to

Repository.Query<ProductItemVendor>().Where(v => CompareProductItemVendorIds(v));

这里有lambda表达式,可以将其转换为表达式树.然后使用另一个Where扩展名-一个用于IQueryable<T>的扩展名.因此,Linq to Entities尝试将此表达式树转换为SQL.但是它应该转换什么呢?是的,调用某些内存方法.而且,当然,Linq to Entities无法做到这一点.

And here you have lambda expression, which can be converted into expression tree. And another Where extension is used - one for IQueryable<T>. So, Linq to Entities tries to convert this expression tree to SQL. But what it should convert? Yes, invocation of some in-memory method. And, of course, Linq to Entities fails to do that.


In order to make your query work, you should use Expression<Func<T,bool>>. You can build it manually, or you can use lambda expression.


10-28 09:50