


 静态TREsult美孚< TResult>(Func键< TResult&F)的温度
/ / ...
TResult结果= F();
// ...

静态INT MYFUNC(int i)以

Func键< INT> FUNC = ConvertFunc(MYFUNC,1); //这个家庭的方法存在吗?
INT J =美孚(FUNC);


 静态Func键< TResult> ConvertFunc< T,TResult>(Func键< T,TResult> F1,T T)
回报率()=> F1(T);

静态Func键< TResult> ConvertFunc&所述; T1,T2,TResult>(Func键&下; T1,T2,TResult> F2,T1 T1,T2 T2)
返回()=> F2(T1,T2);






 静态Func键< TResult> ConvertFunc< T,TResult>(Func键< T,TResult> F1,T T)
回报率()=> F1(T);

这样的代码对我看起来有点危险 - 而不是本身就是什么错的,但的需要小心的。您使用的闭合嵌入在函数的输入变量。但是,这可能会导致困难的bug,因为如果之间的转换函数功能和变量的变化运行它,结果会有所不同。


在溶液而言,就绝非一因为.NET创建16个不同的通用 Func键<> 正是出于同样的原因

您也许可以使用反射,以实现一个解决方案,但你会付罚款调用的功能。 MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments()会给你的类型,然后你可以使用 MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod()以创建新的



返回数* 2;

静态无效的主要(字串[] args)

INT I = 2;
Func键< INT> F =()=>双(I)
I = 3;
Console.WriteLine(F()); //输出6,而不是4


Are there built in methods for converting between the various types of Func delegates? That is, suppose you need a Func, but you have a Func (and you have the value that should be passed in for the T parameter). For example:

static TREsult Foo<TResult>(Func<TResult> f)
   // ...
   TResult result = f();
   // ...
   return result;

static int MyFunc(int i)
    return i;

void CallFoo()
    Func<int> func = ConvertFunc(MyFunc, 1); // Does this family of methods exist?
    int j = Foo(func);

I've written my own, like this:

    static Func<TResult> ConvertFunc<T, TResult>(Func<T, TResult> f1, T t)
        return () => f1(t);

    static Func<TResult> ConvertFunc<T1, T2, TResult>(Func<T1, T2, TResult> f2, T1 t1, T2 t2)
        return () => f2(t1, t2);

    // etc.

But I'm wondering if a family of methods like this exists (or even if there's a better way to do this).

Essentially, I'm doing this for a case where there is some boiler plate code in a method followed by a function call (where the number and types in the function will vary, but the return type is the same), followed by more boiler plate code.

All opinions welcome! Thanks.

static Func<TResult> ConvertFunc<T, TResult>(Func<T, TResult> f1, T t)
    return () => f1(t);

This kind of code to me looks a bit dangerous - not that by itself is anything wrong but need to be careful. You are using closure to embed an input variable in the function. But this could lead to difficult bugs since if the variable changes between converting Func and running it, the result would be different.

I am just curious what would be the benefit. Are you trying to hide away input parameter from the consumer of the function? As long as the variable is a local one passed to it, would be fine.

In terms of a solution, there would not be one since .NET has created 16 different generic Func<> exactly for the same reason.

You can perhaps use reflection to implement a solution but you would be paying a penalty for calling the functions. MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments() would give you the types and you then can use MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod() to create new ones.


Just to illustrate my point:

    static int Double(int number)
        return number * 2;

    static void Main(string[] args)

        int i = 2;
        Func<int> f = () => Double(i);
        i = 3;
        Console.WriteLine(f()); // prints 6 and not 4



10-27 16:35