


as encapsulation can be acheive by properties similaraly i want to know that how we
acheive abstraction in asp.net program


class Triangle
    public double a;
    public double b;
    public double c;

    public double Area
       get { return triangle's area }

class Rectangle
    public double a;
    public double b;

    public double Area
       get { return rectangle's area }

这些类有一些共同点-它们具有称为Area 的属性,还具有sides (a和b)的属性,但是我看不出有任何理由使侧面抽象.
让我们也添加Circle ,我们一点都没有.现在让我们归纳这些类,并创建一个更常见的类,称为Shape.
另外,让我们将其设为abstract 类,这样就不能单独创建该类-只能通过扩展来创建它..

These classes have something in common - they have property called Area plus also sides (a and b) but I don''t see any reason to make sides abstract.
Let''s add also Circle and we have no point of sides at all. Now let''s generalize these classes and let''s create one more common class called Shape.
Also, let''s make it abstract class so this class cannot be created separately - it can be created only through extending.

public abstract class Shape
    public double Area();


And now let''s write previous classes so they extend Shape class.

class Triangle : Shape
    public double a;
    public double b;
    public double c;

    public double Area
       get { return triangle's area }

class Rectangle : Shape
    public double a;
    public double b;

    public double Area
       get { return rectangle's area }

这些类中没有一个使用Shape 作为其基类.
例如,让我们计算列表中Shapes 总面积.

Not of these classes use Shape as their base class.
So does Circle.
In the context where we don ''t care about specific properties of object we can handle all extended objects as Shape.
By example, let''s calculate total area of Shapes in list.

List<Shape> shapes = ListShapes() // contains circles, triangles and rectangles
double area = 0;

foreach(Shape shape in shapes)
   area += shape.Area;

// do something useful with area here

在不扩展Shape 类的情况下,我们应该为每种形状类型编写单独的循环.而且我们还必须有单独的方法来获得不同类型的形状.

Without extending Shape class we should write separate loop for each shape type. And also we have to have separate methods to get different types of shapes.
Now we had only one method to list shapes and one loop to handle them as one - we didn''t cared about lengths of sides or radiuses or any other specific properties. Same way you can make many other abstractions.
By example, you can add coordinates to Shape class if shape''s positioning is required.


11-01 14:49