


In my model I use direct links to keep interaction value of each turtle to other turtles and each link has a different value for each end of the links which is exactly what I want and it was really easy to implement, However, I have a performance issue and my model is not working as fast as I think it should work.

现在,我正在尝试其他方法来减少计算需求.我想到的一件事是将所有定向链接集成到无向链接,并将end1和end2的交互值相互作为链接属性,例如 end1-end2-Relationship-Value end2-end1-Relationship-Value Frequency1 Frequency2 .这种实现将使我的整个模型更加难以调试,因为链接的顺序将更加难以跟踪,而且我经常使用这些值的计算,因此我想知道是否有人有更好的方法来增加这些值性能:)

Now I am trying different methods to decrease the computation needs. One of the things that crossed my mind is to integrate all directed links to undirected links and put the value of interaction value of end1 and end2 to each other as links attributes for example end1-end2-Relationship-Value and end2-end1-Relationship-Value and Frequency1 Frequency2. This implementation will make my whole model a bit more difficult to debug since the order of links will be much more difficult to keep track of and I use the calculation of these values a lot, so I was wondering if anyone has a better way to increase the performance :)


The reason I thought this might be better is that It will reduce the number of links to half, another method is forgetting links (kill old links or links with less significant relationship (insignificant relationship value and lower frequency of relationship) but this one is not totally compatible with my model setting.

agents-own [Belongs_to My-home popularity ]
patches-own [label_ storage]
links-own[Value-Of-The-Relationship frequency]

to Update_link_Values  [Self_Agent Other_Agent Value]
 ask Self_Agent
   [     ifelse any? links with [end1 = Self_Agent and End2 = Other_Agent]

         [ask out-link-to Other_Agent  [ set Value-Of-The-Relationship Value-Of-The-Relationship + Value  set Frequency Frequency + 1 ]  set hidden? true]
         [create-link-to Other_Agent [set Value-Of-The-Relationship Value-Of-The-Relationship + Value set Frequency Frequency + 1 ] set hidden? true ]



to SeTPoPularity
   set Popularity sum[Value-Of-The-Relationship] of links with [end2 = mySelf]


Update 2 :I think I already found a better way (obvious one! Which I should have done in first place) to set popularity, instead of calling it every tick I just can update it only if it has changed, I even think I might don't need The variable called "popularity" every time I need it I just call the my-in-links

* 更新3:*

to Update_link_Values  [Self_Agent Other_Agent Value]
     ask Self_Agent
       [     ifelse out-link-neighbor? Other_Agent

             [ask out-link-to Other_Agent  [ set Value-Of-The-Relationship Value-Of-The-Relationship + Value  set Frequency Frequency + 1 ]  set hidden? true]
             [create-link-to Other_Agent [set Value-Of-The-Relationship Value-Of-The-Relationship + Value set Frequency Frequency + 1 ] set hidden? true ]




Thank to Seth for his comments




Your plan doesn't sound to me like it would help performance. It sounds just as likely to make things slower as faster.

您是否尝试过使用探查器扩展来查看哪些程序使用了最多的CPU? http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/5.0/docs/profiler.html

Have you tried using the profiler extension to see which procedures are the ones using the most CPU? http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/5.0/docs/profiler.html

更新 :(现在已经提供了代码)

UPDATE: (now that code has been provided)

links with [end2 = mySelf]很慢,因为它必须检查每个链接以查看其是否满足给定条件.我认为您的意思是[my-in-links] of myself;像my-in-links这样的原语可以立即返回答案,而不必检查每个链接.

links with [end2 = mySelf] is slow because it has to check every link to see whether it satisfies the given condition. I think you mean [my-in-links] of myself; primitives like my-in-links return answers immediately, without having to check every link.

同样,您有any? links with [end1 = Self_Agent and End2 = Other_Agent].同样,使用with意味着必须检查每个链接是否满足条件.而是写[out-link-neighbor? Other_Agent] of Self_Agent. out-link-neighbor?可以直接检查链接是否存在,而不必扫描每个链接.

Similarly, you have any? links with [end1 = Self_Agent and End2 = Other_Agent]. Again, using with means every link has to be checked if satisfies the condition. Instead, write [out-link-neighbor? Other_Agent] of Self_Agent. out-link-neighbor? can check for the existence of a link directly, without having to scan every link.


I have a hunch that eliminating unnecessary uses of with will fix your performance problems. But, one additional, less important note:

为什么foreach sort sss?为什么不只是ask sss?是否有某些原因需要按排序顺序运行? askforeachsort?快.

Why foreach sort sss? Why not just ask sss? Is there some reason it needs to run in sorted order? ask is faster than foreach plus sort plus ?.


08-27 05:08