

我要比较两个字符串。是否有可能与 STRCMP ? (我想,它似乎不工作)。为字符串::比较的解决方案?

I want to compare two strings. Is it possible with strcmp? (I tried and it does not seem to work). Is string::compare a solution?


Other than this, is there a way to compare a string to a char?

感谢争取早日意见。我是用C ++编码和是它为std :: string像有些人提及。

Thanks for the early comments. I was coding in C++ and yes it was std::string like some of you mentioned.I didn't post the code because I wanted to learn the general knowledge and it is a pretty long code, so it was irrelevant for the question.

我觉得我学会了C ++和C中的差异,感谢指出了这一点。我会尝试,现在使用重载操作符。顺便说一句字符串::比较工作太。

I think I learned the difference between C++ and C, thanks for pointing that out. And I will try to use overloaded operators now. And by the way string::compare worked too.


有关C ++中,使用的std ::字符串,并使用字符串比较::比较

For C++, use std::string and compare using string::compare.

对于C使用 STRCMP 。如果你(的我的意思你的程序的)字符串(由于某种奇怪的原因的)不是 NUL 终止,使用 STRNCMP 代替。

For C use strcmp. If your (i meant your programs) strings (for some weird reason) aren't nul terminated, use strncmp instead.

但是,为什么会有人的的使用简单的东西如 == 的std ::字符串

But why would someone not use something as simple as == for std::string?


08-22 21:34