


I want the list of strings present in the strings.xml file.


Does anyone knows how to get it??? One thing I found is it assigns the ids in sequential order inside R.java but how to get the starting id is not clear.

例如,我的s​​trings.xml中有100个字符串,如下所示,我想一次读入,而不是像个人一样给getResources().getString(int id)

For Example I have 100 Strings in my strings.xml like below and I want to read in at a time not like giving getResources().getString(int id) for individual.

<string name="app_label">Calendar</string>
<string name="what_label">What</string>
<string name="where_label">Where</string>
<string name="when_label">When</string>
<string name="timezone_label">Time zone</string>
<string name="attendees_label">Guests</string>
<string name="today">Today</string>
<string name="tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>


如果要访问 strings.xml 文件中的所有字符串,可以在 R.string上使用反射类.可以在,您只需要用字符串替换可绘制对象即可.

If you want to access all the Strings from the strings.xml file you could use reflection on the R.string class. An example can be found in this answer, you'll just need to replace drawables with strings.


10-28 01:10