

我想创建一个名为Am I in Pi?的iPad应用程序。用Pi数检查生日号码并显示数字。我的问题是如何生成所有数百万个pi 3.1415 ......等等。在Objective-C或XML文件或函数中是否有可以用于实现的库?

I want to create an iPad application named "Am I in Pi?" to check birthday numbers with Pi numbers and show the numbers. My question is how can I generate all of the million numbers of pi 3.1415.... etc. Is there any library in Objective-C or XML file or function that I can use for my implementation?



Rather than generating pi and searching for a certain sequence of digits, you're best off simply saying yes all the time. There is no evidence for any sequence not being in pi.


10-31 17:32