本文介绍了ARM Cortex M4 SVC_Handler"UsageFault"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为一个个人微型ARM内核项目创建一个上下文切换程序,并且上下文切换程序完全用Assembly编写.问题是当我进行SVC调用(svc 0)时,我输入了SVC_Handler,但是当我尝试执行下一条指令时,我随后输入了另一个处理程序("UsageFault_Handler").该错误发生在我可以弹出SVC_Handler中的任何寄存器之前.

I'm creating a context switch program for a personal mini ARM kernel project and the context switch program is written entirely in Assembly. The problem is when I make a SVC call (svc 0) I enter the SVC_Handler but when I try to execute the next instruction I then enter a different handler ("UsageFault_Handler"). The fault occurs before I can pop any of the registers in the SVC_Handler.


Here's a register dump of my gdb screen (right after I enter SVC_Handler and encounter UsageFault_Handler):

(gdb) i r
r0             0x1  1
r1             0x20000bcc   536873932
r2             0x40004404   1073759236
r3             0x1  1
r4             0x0  0
r5             0xc  12
r6             0x3  3
r7             0x20000fe4   536874980
r8             0x1  1
r9             0x0  0
r10            0xb  11
r11            0xa  10
r12            0x2  2
sp             0x2001ffa8   0x2001ffa8
lr             0xfffffff1   4294967281
pc             0x8000188    0x8000188 <UsageFault_Handler>
cpsr           0x3  3


      cpsie i

      /* save kernel state into msp */
      mrs ip, msp
      push {r4-r11,ip,lr}

      /* retrieve routine parameters and switch to the process stack psp */
      ldmfd r0!, {ip,lr}
      msr control, ip
      msr psp, r0

      /* software stack frame. load user state */
      pop {r4-r11}

      /* hardware stack frame. the cpu pops r0-r3, r12 (IP), LR, PC, xPSR automatically */

      /* jump to user task*/
      bx lr

      /* automatically use the msp as the sp when entering handler mode */

      /* pop msp stack */
      pop {r4-r11,ip,lr}
      mov sp, ip

      /* back to the thread mode if no other active exception */
      bx lr

不确定是什么原因导致此问题,因为我确保启用了中断并将SVC优先级初始化为0x0(最高优先级).另外,我正在使用ARM Cortex M4 STM32F411E评估板.

Not sure what could be causing this problem because I made sure interrupts are enabled and initialized SVC priority to 0x0 (highest priority). Also, I'm using the ARM Cortex M4 STM32F411E evaluation board.



The problem was my interrupt vectors were all even numbers (ARM mode). Attempting to execute instructions when the T bit is 0 (least significant bit of the vector numbers) results in a fault or lockup. Since Cortex-M runs only in Thumb2 state I had to indicate my exception was running in thumb state by placing ".thumb_func" above my interrupt handler in my context-switch assembly.

这篇关于ARM Cortex M4 SVC_Handler"UsageFault"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 10:37